
elizabeth feldMy personal and professional trajectory has taken me to many cultures and countries. The spirit of adventure came into my life at a young age while living in different European countries.  I learned to navigate changing lifestyles and languages with ease. Today I have two passports (American and French) and am committed to my identity as a “citizen of the world”…

I have kept the threads of commitment, collaboration, travel and exploration since my childhood in my choices of lifestyle and vocation. Ambulance attendant, gym teacher and sport coach, professional coach, therapist, and trainer, I’ve always chosen to accompany people…

Working today in divers domains and contexts, I continue on my path of adventure with the people I work with and the contexts in which I work…Working with teams in Russia, in Sweden, in Burkina Faso… Training international coordinators for an NGO, counselling bi-cultural couples, people recovering from addictions or family craziness, supervising and coaching people who are developing innovating and exciting projects…

The narrative adventure keeps on evolving…

Multi-storied Narrative Practitioner :
Accompanying people, 
groups, teams….
With a varied palet of ressources :
– Narrative practices
– Art therapy
– Teambuilding sessions
– Adventure -based coaching and therapy
– Narrative trainings…